Hello everyone,

It's 9:30 pm in Milan right now.  It is about 28 degrees here, which is quite hot (since most places in Miland do not have air conditions). It's our second night here and tomorrow morning at about 8am we are flying to Greece.

So far everything is fine. The London trip was nice. Although many things were closed on Sunday (and there was no broadway show performance), the weather was extremely nice (which is quite rare in London) and we were able to take lots outdoor pics. The trip to Milan was smooth as well. We didn't do much on the first day beside visiting and climing up the stairs of Milan Duomo and shopping over the most expensive area of the city (around the Scalla Opera house, Emanuel arch area).  The second day (which is today) we did a lot more touristy stuff like visiting the castel Sforzo (forgot if it's the right spelling), the river streets, and the Santa Maria Bascilica, which is the place Leonardo Di Vinci's "Last Supper" is stored.  It was extremely difficult to book a ticket and I actually called months ahead of time to make the reservation.  Anyway, it was well worth the effort. The painting was truly a masterpiece.  Leonardo depicted the emotions of the twelve diciples and Jesus perfectly.  The images are just so lively and so well geometrically shpaed...

Well, that's all I am gonna say for today.  I will write a more detailed journal later when I can actually type Chinese. Now it's probably better if I just go offline and pack my luggage for tomorrow.  We have to leave the hotel by 5am in order to make our flight.  So farewell, but not goodbye!  I will write to you all in a few days. Ciao!



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